Signed copy of the PGRA constitution (pdf)
1. Name: The name of the Association is Patchetts Green Residents' Association ("PGRA".)
2. Area of Benefit: PGRA is established for the advancement of environmental protection and improvement, and to address anyreasonable areas of concern raised by residents or businesses, for the benefit of those living and working in HiIfieId Lane (includingThe Ridings), Pegmire Lane, Summerhouse Lane, those houses on the B462 Hartspring Lane to the left of Hilfield Lane up to the bridge, and the Winfield Mobile Homes off Hartspring Lane. ("The Area").
3. Aims: The aims of PGRA are to:
3.1 promote high standards of planning, architecture and civic amenities in or affecting "The Area" and the surroundingcountryside and, where planning or other proposals could have an adverse effect on the surrounding environment or itsresidents, the areas beyond the Village and the surrounding countryside
3.2 protect the Green Belt and the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features of historic or public interest in the areas above.
3.3 To canvass views of residents and business owners/workers in THE AREA and where reasonably acceptable to thePGRA committee, actively seek to provide acceptable solutions to issues raised, including canvassing relevant authorities.
4. Powers: To achieve its aims PGRA, through its Executive Committee ("the Executive") shall have power to:
4.1 promote civic pride
4.2 liaise with the parish, borough, county and all other authorities; to comment on their proposals, raise questions andmake suggestions and, also, to liaise and cooperate with voluntary organisations, charities and persons having aims similar tothose of PGRA
4.3 undertake projects to enhance, improve and introduce facilities for the benefit of Community life including but notlimited to traffic control and visual aspects of THE AREA.
4.4 participate in any appeals or judicial review of planning decisions
4.5 undertake research and publish papers, reports, surveys, maps and plans and collect and disseminate information inrelation to all subjects directly connected with the aims of the Association by way of meetings, lectures, electronic or othercommunication
4.6 raise funds by subscription, donation and otherwise, but PGRA shall not undertake any permanent trading activities in raising funds for its aims
4.7 acquire, by purchase, gift or otherwise items required to further the Association's aims
4.8 do anything else reasonably necessary for the Association to achieve its aims.
5. Liability: The liability of members of the Association, including the Executive, will not exceed the amount of their annual subscriptionunless they have acted fraudulently or illegally. The Association will not be liable for any personal comments made by any of itsexecutive or membership.
6. Membership and Voting Membership: is initially voluntary and is open to any residential or business owner (1 member perhousehold or business unit) and is open to all adult residential and business owners who are interested in furthering the purposes ofthe Association and interested in
any matter arising within the Area or affecting the Area. If a vote of members is deemed appropriate by the Executive, membership carries one vote per member or business. A business member may vote via an appointed representative previously notified in writing tothe Association's Secretary. A residential owner may appoint a proxy to vote in their place by so writing to the Secretary at least 7 days prior to any vote taking place.
7. Executive Committee: An executive committee will be appointed. Comprising of not less than 5, but not more than 12, the committee will be responsible for canvassing the views of the community and agreeing what action is practical and possible totake to resolve issues and concerns. The Executive Committee shall appoint from amongst their ranks, willing executives tobecome Chairperson & Secretary. The Committee will comprise of a Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer (if a decision is taken to raise funds in any way by membership or other means) and at least 3 other members.
8. Election to The Executive: Each year, the Executive will review whether there has been any request from the Residents forsomeone to join the Executive. If the number of executive members is such that the addition of those new people requesting to joinwould not exceed 12, then there will be no need to hold an election. However, if the Executive numbers are such that the addition ofthe new members would mean exceeding 12 members, then a minimum of 2 members of the Executive will offer themselves for re-election. If no volunteers, those to stand down will be determined by longest serving. Those standing down can stand for re-election,together with any other member who may wish to be considered for joining the Executive. Candidates wishing to be considered must put forward their nomination to the Secretary, together with a seconder from within the membership, by the end of November. Theremaining members of the Executive will then vote in secret to vote for their first and second choice candidates. With 2 points for firstchoice and 1 point for 2nd choice, the candidates with the most points will be elected to the Executive. In the event of a tie, theChairman's vote will be decisive. The Executive shall have the power to fill vacancies (up to a maximum of 12) occurring among themembers of the Executive between AGMs and may co-opt further members in an advisory, non-voting capacity. Equally, each year the Chairman and Secretary will stand down but offer themselves for re-election if they are willing.
9. Agreeing Executive Action: A majority vote of the Executive Committee will determine what the Executive will and will not action. In the event of a tie in the votes, the Chairman's vote will be decisive.
10. AGMs and Special General Meetings (SGM): An AGM will be held in or about January to receive the Executive's report on itsactivities, the annual statement of account If funds have been raised) and to elect members of the Executive. An SGM of the Association shall be held at the request of a majority of the Executive Members, or upon written request made to the Executive by33% of the fully paid-up members, stating the reason for the request, if paid for membership is introduced. Members will be notified in writing at least 3 weeks before any AGM or SGM, giving the venue, date and time. The quorum for any AGM or SGM or quarterlymeeting of the Executive will be a minimum of 5 Executive members. The Executive shall meet as necessary and at least 4 timesannually, in January, April, July and October. The Secretary shall give at least 7 days' notice of each Executive meeting. The quorumfor an Executive meeting shall be 5 with the attendance of at least one of either the Chairperson, Secretary or Treasurer. Executive meetings will be open to the Executive only and the Chair shall have a casting vote, if required.
11. Officers: The Officers of the Association shall consist of: i) Chair, who shall chair both general and Executive meetings; ii)Secretary, who shall take minutes and distribute papers (iii) If funds are collected/received at any time, a Treasurer, who shallmaintain accounts and keep a list of
members. The Treasurer role could be filled by the Chairman or Secretary if willing and no one else wishes to fill this role. The Executive shall nominate the Officers and may fill casual vacancies occurring.
12. Declaration of Interest Any member, including Executive members, who are directly or indirectly interested, financially orprofessionally, in any item discussed at any meeting of the Association which they attend must declare that interest, recusethemselves, if required by the Chair, and will not be entitled to vote on that item.
13. Application of funds. Should the Association be placed in funds, funds will be applied by the Executive in payment of all proper expenses of administration and management of the Association and then in furtherance of the Association's aims. Money belonging to the Association shall be held in a current account and any surplus not required for immediate application may be invested by the Executive in an interest-bearing account. An annual statement of account will be presented to the AGM.
14. Amendments: This Constitution may be amended by a majority of members of the Executive. Any such amendments will require subsequent ratification by a majority of members present and voting at a PGRA AGM or SGM.
15. Notices Any notice required to be given by these Rules is properly given if left at or sent by email addressed to the address or email address of that member last notified to the Secretary, dropped through their letter box, or posted on the notice board on the village green.
16. Dissolution The Association may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of members at an AGM or SGM. Any motion to dissolve the Association shall be referred to specifically when notice of the relevant meeting is given. If the Association is dissolved any funds and records will be transferred to one or more institutions with reasonably similar aims chosen by the Executive and approved by the meeting of the Association at which dissolution is confirmed.
11. Subscription: It is not intended to request an annual membership subscription to PGRA, but the Association leaves this option available for the future should it so vote to create a payment for membership. The amount of annual subscription will be set by the Executive and reviewed at an Annual General Meeting (AGM.}. Payment in any 1 year after January will be for the full amount, but membership will expire at the end of the December in the year of receipt.
12. Equal opportunities: The Association will not discriminate on the grounds of sex, race (including colour, ethnic or nationalorigin} sexual orientation, disability, gender reassignment, religious or political belief, pregnancy or maternity, marital status or age. Any
This Constitution was unanimously adopted by the committee members of Association on 30 November 2023 as evidenced by thesignatures of the Officers, below:
Chairperson: Date:
Copyright © 2025 Patchetts Green Resident's Association - All Rights Reserved.