Action Points From Meeting 18 April 2024
Held at: 72 Hilfield Lane
Those Present: Malcolm Sevren (in the Chair), Cllr Carl Woolf, Bonnie Shaw, Jonathan Morris,
Apologies: David Baldwin, Michelle Hart, Paul Kemble
Minutes of Last Meeting
Amendment to Item 16b correcting it was not the road sign, but the Patchetts Green sign that required cleaning.
Communication, Item 3: Leaflet produced and circulated. PGRA website up and running. WhatsApp group to be set up and to use that and the notice board and website as primary communication with residents.
Fly Tipping, Item 6: There is not much hope that anything proactive will happen to prevent fly tipping. All we can do is try and chase up the relevant party responsible for clearing it away when it happens. The problem is compounded when on private property (which includes many of the hedgerows/grass verges alongside the road) because neither we nor the Council have any right to enforce the landowner to pay for its removal.
Local Security Measures, Item 12: Quotes obtained from LSS Street Patrol (attached to the E Mail with these Action points). A 12 hour shift would cost £6,660 per 30 days (more if Bank Holiday working was required).
Other Items covered in Carl’s update below.
Subject to the amendment in 1.1 above, the Minutes of 11 Jan 2024 were approved.
APC Update & Other Matters
Battery Storage System: Following the failed appeal to the Secretary of State for the Solar Panel field, it hopefully augers well for a similar outcome for the Battery Storage proposal. APC will review this once a decision is made.
Litter picking equipment: Carl persuaded APC to approve the reasonable provision of bags and pickers. We need to give them a date for the next session and what we require them to provide.
Speeding – re the possibility of having 30 mph signs painted on the road: It’s a Highways Matter, not local Council. Councillors Caroline Clapper or Lawrence Brass may be able to apply pressure. If Letchmore Heath’s application to become a 20mph zone is approved, then that may assist us doing the same if that is something the residents support.
Fencing around the green outside the Three Cs.: APC will consider it within their Budget for 2024/25 as to when this will start however it has been agreed that this needs to be resolved.
The Ridings green area and playground: Still a stalemate between the Ridings residents, APC and the owner of the common area, Jamie Rishover (JR). Hertsmere Planning Department served an Enforcement notice on JR and/or Heronslea to restore playground area, but as per the Resident’s TP1 agreements, leased the expense would likely fall on the Riding’s residents.
Proposed New Allotments/Building Development: New local plan produced. Inaccuracies have been pointed out by Carl to APC and the Borough Council, in particular with regards to the property at Farthing Cottage which was never put up by the owners and was included by mistake of the people drafting the plan at the County Council, but proposals very much in the air as this is a draft plan.
Post Meeting Note: APC confirmed that the plan has been amended to show the correct picture which is limited to APC Land.
Also discussion about other land on the draft plan, possibly put forward by the private owner, which is opposite the entrance to Delrow House.
On the 30th April , APC will have a full council meeting where local plan is being discussed. The local plan is simply a statement of intent identifying potential areas where development could be made. There is a public meeting by APC at The Radlett Centre on 30 April. Malcolm to notify residents on the Residents’ Whats App group and the main WhatsApp group that if they want to comment on the Plan, and should do so by E Mailing APC before 30th April 2024 on and also to the Council on – The consultation ends on the 29th May 2024
Committee Member RH: Carl reported that having spoken to RH, his work commitments greatly limited his free time, and with regret he is having to stand down from the committee. Michelle to be asked if she has a preferred alternative or could canvass for a replacement on the Patchetts WhatsApp group. Our Constitution permits up to 12 committee members.
Post Meeting Note: Marina Doyle requested to join the Committee and her appointment was unanimously approved by the Committe
State of Roads/Inconsiderate Parking.
David met with Lawrence Brass regarding inconsiderate parking and abandoned vehicles along Hilfield Lane and has been actively pursuing him and the local police them to achieve results. There is nothing that can be done against cars that are taxed and MOT’d and are parked on the road/pavement allowing pedestrians to pass. However, despite there being some confusion by both police and counsellors, David through his persistence was able to remind them that parking in a manner that obstructs the footpath for pedestrians is an actual offence. Our Neighbourhood Watch police team have promised to keep an eye out for such parking as they do their rounds. If anyone sees a car obstructing the footpath, photo it and send the photo to our Neighbourhood policeman, Michael Morris,
Flooding on Roads
David’s efforts with Caroline Clapper have resulted in an Order issued for work to start (possibly) in Primrose Lane to resolve the flooding problem. Lawrence Brass was contacted by Bonnie and will be chased again. Bonnie to advise Malcolm when she is contacting him so he can formally chase up under the PGRA banner.
Engaging the Local Community:
We will use the Patchetts WhatsApp group, our website and the Notice Board on the green outside The Three Compasses.
Michelle to please forward PGRA messages on the Whats App group to The Ridings Whats App group to keep those not on both groups informed. Bonnie to check with Michelle if Anvil Mews was leafletted.
Just to confirm that this is now operative and located on the side wall at the back to the left of the main entrance to The Three Compasses. The code to access the unit is C159X. It is suggested people watch one of the You Tube training videos as to how to use now, rather than wait until such time as they may need to use it. The unit will provide audible instructions at the time of use. The cost of the unit was covered by APC and by funding from 3 local Borough Conservative Councillors including Brett Rosehill, Caroline Clapper and David Lambert
Any Other Business
All sent their best wishes to David for a swift and full recovery and look forward to seeing him fighting fit at our next meeting
Date of next meeting tentatively set for 25 July at Rose Cottage, Hilfield Lane at 18:30, subject to hearing from those not able to attend today if that is convenient. Hopefully a 6:30pm start will be more convenient for working members of the Group. Notice and reminder of the meeting and a request for agenda items to be sent out to all residents via the methods mentioned above.
Malcolm / Carl
Patchetts Green Residents Association (PGRA)
Action Points from Meeting 11th January 2024
Held at 2 Pegmire Lane, Patchetts Green
Those Present:
Malcolm Sevren (Chairman) MS
David Baldwin (Secretary) DB
Cllr Carl Woolf CW
Ms Bonnie Shaw BS
Jonathan Morris JS
Paul Kemble PK
Ms Michelle Hart MH
Apologies None
4. Proposed New Lithium Battery Storage Site Letchmore Heath. CW advised that a meeting to discuss this proposal was scheduled to take place by Hertsmere Borough Council later this month. CW agreed to keep all committee members updated.
6. Fly Tipping. Only last week persons unknown dumped a substantial amount of waste rubbish in Hilfield Lane that covered the whole of the road. CW advised that where such rubbish is left on the road itself, it is the Local Authority’s task to clear up the mess. But where such rubbish is left in the hedgerows, it is then the responsibility of the land owners themselves to clear the rubbish from the site.
It was agreed a meeting be arranged between Laurence Brass, Caroline Clapper, David Lambert and representatives of PGRA to discuss how best to resolve this situation. MS and CW to liaise.
7. Regular Monthly Residential “Litter Picking” Days. Members were asked to consult neighbours etc to ascertain if there was any real appetite from local residents to participate in regular “litter picking” days to try and keep our local lanes free of litter. CW to ask APC if they would be willing to supply us with “litter picking” instruments and a supply of refuse sacks.
10.New Fencing Around The Green Area, outside T3C Public House. CW advised the matter was still being considered by APC. CW agreed to update the PGRA committee when there was next anything positive to report.
(a) Being converted to allotments or
(b) To build a small new housing development
APC own the majority of the said land themselves. The actual details being considered were at present extremely scant. CW agreed to keep all committee members updated when a firm proposal was made.
(a). CW agreed to speak with Mr Raj Haria to ascertain if he still wishes to remain a committee member.
(b). JM mentioned there was a road sign in Patchetts Green that required cleaning. I (DB) personally am not sure of the exact location of the sign JM was referring to. But if any member knows the sign in question and its location is close to where that member lives, perhaps they would be willing please to take the necessary remedial treatment, on behalf of PGRA.
Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting
Thursday 18th April 2024 commencing at 5.30 pm.
Venue: TBC
Patchetts Green Residents’ Association (PGRA)
Action Points From Meeting 31 October 2023
Held At 2 Pegmire Lane, Patchetts Green
Those Present: Cllr Carl Woolf, CW (In The Chair); Bonnie Shaw, BS; David Baldwin, DB; Jonathan Morris, JM; Malcolm Sevren, MS; Paul Kemble, PK.
In Attendance: Peter Evans, PE (Aldenham Parish Council).
Apologies: Michelle Hart, MH; Raj Haria, RH.
Action By
Due By
CW set out the purpose of this committee was to be a recognised representative body for the communities (private residents/owners and business residents/owners) situated in Hilfield Lane (including the Ridings), Pegmire Lane and Summerhouse Lane.
Its purpose is to canvass the views across the whole community and act as an “authority” to get their point across and hopefully seek remedial action where appropriate and possible.
CW explained that the committee would use all viable means at its disposal to a) publicise its existence to the community; b) establish means whereby the community could liaise with the committee; c) communicate via the public Notice Board on the Green by The Three Compasses and allowing those willing to be added to the PGRA E Mail communication; d) Be conscious of anyone who does not have electronic communication capabilities by providing a personal visit or letterbox drop.
Creating A Constitution.
CW passed over to PE who had kindly agreed to attend to advise the Committee how best to establish itself with relevant authorities as a recognised, authoritative body.
The most important part was that the PGRA should have a Constitution. To this effect, PE kindly agreed to E Mail MS with a copy of the Letchmore Heath constitution
MS will use the above as a basis for the PGRA Constitution. MS will E Mail all committee members with his proposed draft for our Constitution.
Within 7 Days of receipt from PE
PE also agreed to E Mail MS with all relevant contact details for County and local authorities that we may wish to communicate with.
PE explained that it was good practice to record and retain notes of meetings held. There should also be an AGM where officers are appointed (or re-appointed subject to agreeing the Constitution) and Committee membership reviewed.
It was noted that PGRA did not intend to seek nor hold funds, so there would be no need to create a bank account nor appoint an accountant to review annual accounts.
Those present thanked PE for giving up his time and providing such useful advice and guidance.
Naming Our Committee
It was unanimously agreed that our committee should be called the “Patchetts Green Residents Association” PGRA.
Appointing Officers.
Whilst CW would be a committee member, his role as APC counsellor compromised his standing as Chairman or Secretary of the PGRA
MS was appointed, and agreed to act as Chairman.
DB was appointed and agreed to act as Secretary.
Matters Arising
BESS: The proposed lithium battery plant is the biggest threat and concern to the area. Alarmingly, it was reported that Herts CC had decided that the developers would not need to provide an Impact Assessment Report to accompany their planning application. This, despite this proposed battery plant being significantly more dangerous and creating more negative effects than the Solar Panel proposal – which the County Council did indeed demand an Impact Assessment from!
This is amazing, given the incredible impact this plant would have on the local community in terms of fire risk, potential difficulty in obtaining household insurance and environmental destruction.
It was agreed that MS would draft a letter requesting an explanation as to why the County Council felt an Impact Assessment was unnecessary. This will be circulated around the committee for comments and ultimate approval before being sent to the appropriate Department in Herts CC.
PE would send MS contact details for the appropriate department/person to send this letter to.
By 8 Nov
Other subjects which would no doubt be raised for future consideration included the poor state of the roads (potholes), inconsiderate parking, speeding through the lanes, the playground area on the green in The Ridings.
Meeting Frequency
It was decided that meetings once a quarter should be sufficient, but obviously should a significant event arise (like the application submitted for the BESS) an emergency meeting could be called.
These meetings will routinely take place in January, April, July, and October of each year.
The next meeting was set for 11 January 2024, venue to be confirmed nearer the date.
11 Jan 2024
Files coming soon.
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